Supercharge your PHP experience, in seconds.
Built upon the official PHP images, our production-ready serversideup/php images take your Docker PHP experience to the next level. Enjoy variable-first configurations, nginx-unit variation, native CloudFlare support, and more.
These images give a lot more than other PHP Docker Images.
Production-readyBuilt to be performant and secure to exist on the wild web.
Native Health ChecksBe 100% confident your application is actually running.
High PerformanceGet the easiest experience for fine tuning performance.
Customizable & FlexibleEnvironment variables make customizations a breeze.
Native CloudFlare SupportGet real IP addresses from visitors from trusted proxies.
Based on official PHPUpgrade from the official PHP docker images with confidence.
NGINX UnitDitch FPM for a modern way of running PHP. Designed for containers from the ground up.
Unified LoggingAll logs are directed to STDOUT & STDERR for centralized output.
FPM + S6 OverlayOur FPM-Apache & FPM-NGINX images use this intelligent init system. Highly optimized for Laravel 💪
Horizon, queues, tasks, storage linking, migrations - these images handle it all.
Built to run from Dev → Prod
Get the full benefits of containerization. Stop using containers in dev only. Works with Kubernetes, Docker Swarm and more.
Get Started 🚀100% free & open source. Available on GitHub & DockerHub.
View the Images → What others are saying
Chris FidaoCreator of Servers for Hackers Today I'm appreciating the work @jaydrogers (& others!) put into these base PHP containers.
The official PHP images are...sort of ridiculous.
Johan JanssensCo-Founder of Joomla Used the excellent Docker-PHP images from @jaydrogers. Demo'ed how to handle 10k async HTTP requests in 3secs, all using nothing else then PHP using OpenSwoole and supervised to perfection with S6.
For a PHP dev, that should not be possible... look on people's face ...priceless!
Žiga ZajcCEO of Rabbit Company Based on our performance testing, the PHP-FPM image by Server Side Up has the capability to manage 484 requests per second without any project limitations. In comparison, the official PHP image is only able to handle 68 requests per second.
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