Laravel Basic

The Spin community maintains an official Laravel template that you can use to get up and running with Laravel quickly. This template is designed to get you up and running with the latest stable version of Laravel with the default configurations running SQLite.

Official Laravel Basic Template by Spin

Project Information

Here's information where you can learn more about the project:

TitleLaravel Basic Template
DescriptionA basic installation of Laravel with SQLite.
AuthorsJay Rogers (@jaydrogers), Dan Pastori (@danpastori)
LicenseGNU GPL v3.0
Repository URL
Issues Tracker URL

Creating a new Laravel project

Create a new Laravel project

spin new laravel <project-name>

Run the command above to create a new Laravel project with Spin. By default, the new project will be created in the current directory as ./laravel. You can specify a different project name by replacing <project-name> with your desired name.

Adding to an existing Laravel Project

Add to an existing Laravel project

spin init laravel

Further Configuration

There are more steps for you to complete after creating a project or adding Spin to your existing project. All of this information can be found in the project's README file.

View the project README →