Testing New Releases

Spin is a collection of many open source projects built by the Server Side Up community. If you're looking for the latest features, here is how you can help test them out.

Installing latest Spin beta release

Spin is very lightweight and is installed to your ~/.spin directory by default. If you'd like to install the latest beta, we can easily

Install latest Spin beta release

# Ensure previous installation is removed
rm -rf ~/.spin

# Install the latest release (regardless of pre-release or stable)
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serversideup/spin/main/tools/install.sh)" "" --beta

Going back to the stable release

Going back to the stable release is as easy as deleting the ~/.spin directory then following the installation instructions to reinstall Spin.

Delete the ~/.spin directory

rm -rf ~/.spin

Now follow the installation instructions for your operating system:


There are many repositories that are part of the Spin project. Refer to each repository for instructions on how to test the latest changes.

Ansible Collection

GitHub Actions

Docker Images

  • serversideup/php - PHP Docker images highly optimized to work with Laravel + Spin.
  • serversideup/docker-ssh - A lightweight docker image that runs SSH. This is a fantastic method on using a secure SSH tunnel into your database cluster.
  • serversideup/docker-ansible - A lightweight docker image that runs Ansible. This allows users to provision their server without needing to know how to install or maintain their Ansible installation.
  • serversideup/docker-github-cli - A lightweight docker image that runs GitHub CLI. This allows users to interact with GitHub without needing to install the GitHub CLI on their machine.