Starting up your Development Environment

Spin uses Docker Compose to start up your development environment in a single command. This allows you to exactly replicate your production environment for local development.


  • Docker is installed and running.
  • Spin is installed to your system or to your project (via composer or as a node dependency).

Ensure your application dependencies are installed

Before you can bring up your development environment, you need to ensure your application dependencies are installed.

Install dependencies (this depends on your project)

# PHP dependencies
spin run php composer install

# Node dependencies
spin run node yarn install

Bring up your development environment

Once your dependencies are installed, you can bring up your development environment with the following command:

Bring up your development environment

spin up

Since Spin is running Docker Compose, you can also pass any argument to the up command. For example, spin up -d will start your development environment in detached mode. See the full documentation for spin up for more information.

Accessing your development environment

In order to access your development environment, review the README of the template you're using. Each template has different instructions on how to access the services.