
  • Specifying devtools as destination from content-script will auto-route payload to inspecting devtools page if open and listening. If devtools are not open, message will be queued up and delivered when devtools are opened and the user switches to your extension's devtools panel.
  • Specifying content-script as destination from devtools will auto-route the message to inspected window's top content-script page if listening. If page is loading, message will be queued up and delivered when page is ready and listening.
  • If window context (which could be a script injected by content script) are source or destination of any payload, transmission must be first unlocked by calling allowWindowMessaging(<namespace: string>) inside that page's top content script, since Bridge will first deliver the payload to content-script using rules above, and latter will take over and forward accordingly. content-script <-> window messaging happens using window.postMessage API. Therefore to avoid conflicts, Bridge requires you to call setNamespace(uuidOrReverseDomain) inside the said window script (injected or remote, doesn't matter).
  • Specifying devtools or content-script or window from background will throw an error. When calling from background, destination must be suffixed with tab id. Like devtools@745 for devtools inspecting tab id 745 or content-script@351 for top content-script at tab id 351.