
API available only to content scripts

Unlocks the transmission of messages to and from window (top frame of loaded page) contexts in the tab where it is called.

webext-bridge by default won't transmit any payload to or from window contexts for security reasons.

This method can be called from a content script (in top frame of tab), which opens a gateway for messages.

Once again, window = the top frame of any tab. That means allowing window messaging without checking origin first will let JavaScript loaded at talk with your extension and possibly give indirect access to things you won't want to, like history API. You're expected to ensure the safety and privacy of your extension's users.


Required | string

Can be a domain name reversed like com.github.facebook.react_devtools or any uuid. Call setNamespace in window context with same value, so that webext-bridge knows which payload belongs to which extension (in case there are other extensions using webext-bridge in a tab). Make sure namespace string is unique enough to ensure no collisions happen.