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Vue 3 Web Notification Component
Author Dan Pastori avatar
Dan Pastori March 21st, 2022

A notification component is a super useful, re-usable component that I add to most web apps. I use this component to communicate with the user when an action has been completed, or something needs to be brought to their attention. I like to design this component globally so I can call it from anywhere within the application. In this tutorial we will be designing a simple Vue 3 notification component to display a success, warning, and failure notification to the user. You can style this notification however you like. We will just be focusing on the functionality.

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Building a Queue with Vue 3 and Vuex 4
Author Dan Pastori avatar
Dan Pastori March 16th, 2022

This is a post I’ve been wanting to write for some time. We had to implement a client side queue in two of our apps recently using Vue 3 and Vuex 4.

Now why would you want a client side queue? Well with so much more power given to the web browsers, there are actually times where you might want to perform a long running task in the browser. For example, with FFMPEG WASM you can actually encode videos directly the browser itself, WITHOUT touching a server! For these scenarios, building a queue is the perfect system to make this work.

Since these are still kind of “fringe” scenarios, I wasn’t going to go to the trouble right away by making an officially supported package. However, using Vuex with the reactivity of Vue 3, you can make a simple queue system fairly simply. Let’s get started!

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Customizing and Displaying Tags in Statamic 3
Author Dan Pastori avatar
Dan Pastori March 14th, 2022

Right away when diving into Statamic 3, I found the need to create some tags for my entries. Grouping entries with tags is extremely important to tying your content together. These groupings allow users to filter your content, find related content, and even see from a quick glance what your content is about. The proper […]

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Collections, Blueprints, and Entries with Statamic 3
Author Dan Pastori avatar
Dan Pastori March 11th, 2022

To be up front, this tutorial is guided at users who are entirely new to Statamic. The documentation on all of these concepts is incredible. Where I stumbled was just tying everything together. I’m also coming from a WordPress background and it really being the only CMS I know. I’ve been developing Laravel apps for about 8 years now and is one of the reasons I was so interested in Statamic. So what my intent is with this tutorial is to explain these aspects through my understanding. I will relate these to anyone coming from a WordPress background to hopefully bridge that gap.

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