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Advanced Meilisearch Queries with Laravel Scout
Author Dan Pastori avatar
Dan Pastori April 18th, 2022

We’ve touched on a few configurations we can update with Meilisearch to make it more user friendly and powerful. A few that we worked on were setting sortable and filterable attributes on your models. Let’s open the gates and show how to use all of the power features of Meilisearch with Laravel Scout!

These advanced queries give you full access to the power that Meilisearch provides. You can fine tune your app and make amazing search experiences for your users. Since these are extremely custom to your application, I’ll simply show you how to build these advanced queries and you can run wild!

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Dynamic API Requests with Nuxt 3 Part 6 of 9 in Upgrading Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3
Author Dan Pastori avatar
Dan Pastori April 18th, 2022

After your user interacts with your page, it can be necessary to refresh your data. A few examples of when to refresh data is when you need to filter API resources or paginate data. With Nuxt 3, these dynamic API requests can be structured in a reactive manner. When the query parameters change, the API […]

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Filtering Meilisearch Search Results with Laravel Scout
Author Dan Pastori avatar
Dan Pastori April 11th, 2022

In order to fine tune your Meilisearch implementation with Laravel Scout, it’s a good idea to set up some filters on your index. With Eloquent queries, filtering results is easy. Out of the box, you just add a ->where('x', 'y') or other condition to return results with. You can do the same with Meilisearch, but it has to be configured first.

Since Meilisearch is not a relational database, these have to be very simple filters. However, when using Meilisearch, I’ve never run into a situation where this became an issue. We are usually letting the full text query do the filtering for us. I usually apply these filters in situations where we need “only results for a user” or “number is greater than x” along with a full text search. Let’s get started!

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Sorting Meilisearch Results with Laravel Scout and Eloquent
Author Dan Pastori avatar
Dan Pastori April 4th, 2022

Meilisearch is an amazingly powerful full text search engine. In order to take full advantage of the power of Meilisearch and Laravel Scout, you’ll have to get in the nitty gritty. One of those times is when you want to sort search results with once they’ve been returned from Meilisearch.

When making a query through Laravel Eloquent, this is easy. Simply just add an ->orderBy('column_name', 'direction') to the end of your query. However, with Laravel Scout and Meilisearch, there needs to be a few steps in configuration before you can order your results. Since Meilisearch is such a fine tuned system, everything has to be configured explicitly. Luckily, Laravel provides that power out of the box. We just have to configure everything correctly.

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