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Server Side Up Certificate Authority

If you're working on an open source project with us and you want the HTTPS warnings to go away in local development, you will need to install our certificate authority and trust it on your computer and browser.

Download the CA Certificate

You should never install random certificate authorities from the Internet

You literally are changing your chain of trust that will affect all secure communications on your device. We only use this CA to validate SSL certificates in development environments.

Certificate Info

Attribute Value
Valid until 2/Sep/2043
Serial Number 33:B9:9A:40:18:68:72:F4:83:F5:87:BA:0A:31:07:43:DA:3E:EB:2F
SHA1 Fingerprint D8:FF:54:92:F1:A1:15:C9:80:22:26:7C:2D:CA:99:2C:D9:2F:0E:BE
SHA256 Fingerprint B2:DA:4C:0C:34:35:32:BB:6F:A4:8C:07:DD:B6:66:94:7E:DB:29:99:80:7A:C2:E1:97:96:AC:1C:3D:58:1C:45
Download CA Certificate

How To Verify

Verifying the certificate is crucial to ensure its authenticity and integrity. This step helps protect you from potential security risks associated with tampered or forged certificates. Here's how to verify the certificate on different operating systems:

macOS Verification

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Run the following command:
    openssl x509 -in path/to/ssu-ca.pem -text -noout
  3. Verify that the certificate details match those listed above

Windows Verification

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator
  2. Run the following command:
    certutil -dump path\to\ssu-ca.pem
  3. Verify that the certificate details match those listed above

Linux Verification

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Run the following command:
    openssl x509 -in path/to/ssu-ca.pem -text -noout
  3. Verify that the certificate details match those listed above

Please select your operating system from the tabs below to see verification instructions.

How to Install

macOS Installation

  1. 1

    Double-click the downloaded ssu-ca.pem file to open it in Keychain Access.

  2. 2

    In Keychain Access, locate the certificate (it should be in the "login" keychain).

  3. 3

    Double-click the certificate to open its info window.

    Open certificate info window
  4. 4

    Expand the "Trust" section by clicking the arrow next to it.

  5. 5

    Change the "When using this certificate" option to "Always Trust".

    Expand Trust section
  6. 6

    Close the certificate info window. You will be prompted to enter your admin password to confirm the changes.

  7. 7

    After entering your password, the certificate will be trusted by your system.

  8. 8

    Restart any open browsers or applications that use HTTPS connections to ensure they recognize the new certificate authority.

Windows Installation

  1. 1

    Click on Start → Run → type MMC → Click OK

  2. 2

    Click on File → Add/Remove Snap-in…

    Install Certificate option
  3. 3

    Click on Certificates → Add>

    Select Local Machine
  4. 4

    Click on User Account → Finish, then press Ok

  5. 5

    Right click on "Certificates" under "Certificates - Current User → Trusted Root Certification Authority → Certificates"

    Select Trusted Root
  6. 6

    Go through the Import Wizard. Select ssu-ca.pem file, press open, then Finish.

    Finish installation
  7. 8

    Restart any open browsers or applications that use HTTPS connections to ensure they recognize the new certificate authority.

Linux Installation

  1. 1

    Open a terminal window.

  2. 2

    Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the ssu-ca.pem file.

    cd /path/to/download/directory
  3. 3

    Copy the .pem file to the system-wide certificate directory and rename it with a .crt extension:

    sudo cp ssu-ca.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ssu-ca.crt
  4. 4

    Update the CA store to include the new certificate:

    sudo update-ca-certificates
  5. 5

    You should see a message indicating that certificates have been added to the store.

  6. 6

    For some applications (like Firefox), you may need to import the certificate manually:

    • Open Firefox and go to Preferences/Options
    • Search for "Certificates" and click on "View Certificates"
    • In the "Authorities" tab, click "Import" and select the ssu-ca.pem file
    • Check "Trust this CA to identify websites" and click "OK"
  7. 7

    Restart any open browsers or applications that use HTTPS connections to ensure they recognize the new certificate authority.

Browser-Specific Installation

Firefox Installation

  1. Open Firefox and go to Preferences/Options
  2. Search for "Certificates" and click on "View Certificates"
  3. In the "Authorities" tab, click "Import" and select the ssu-ca.pem file
  4. Check "Trust this CA to identify websites" and click "OK"
  5. Restart Firefox to ensure changes take effect

Safari Installation

  1. Double-click the ssu-ca.pem file to add it to your Keychain
  2. Open Keychain Access (Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access)
  3. Find the certificate in the list (search for "Server Side Up")
  4. Double-click the certificate and expand the "Trust" section
  5. Set "When using this certificate" to "Always Trust"
  6. Close the certificate window and enter your password if prompted
  7. Restart Safari to ensure changes take effect

Microsoft Edge Installation

  1. Open Edge and go to Settings (... menu > Settings)
  2. Search for "Manage certificates" and click on it
  3. Go to the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" tab
  4. Click "Import" and follow the Certificate Import Wizard
  5. Select the ssu-ca.pem file when prompted
  6. Complete the wizard, placing the certificate in the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store
  7. Restart Edge to ensure changes take effect

Google Chrome Installation

  1. Open Chrome and go to Settings
  2. Search for "Manage certificates" and click on it
  3. Go to the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" tab
  4. Click "Import" and follow the Certificate Import Wizard
  5. Select the ssu-ca.pem file when prompted
  6. Complete the wizard, placing the certificate in the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store
  7. Restart Chrome to ensure changes take effect

Please select your browser from the tabs above to see installation instructions.